Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday Crackbacks Circa 07-17-06

Wassup, Y'all!

Wow - this is what Tony Parker wakes up to every morning? Hmmm, suddenly I'm not hatin' so much...

Check Cuba Gooding get his swerve on with party girl Serena Williams (old boy seems a little handsy to me) while Taye Diggs wonders why he can't get any play from Venus...

The 'Fro is now the Chicago Bulls' official hairstyle...Lord help the free throw line...

Formerly foine supermodel Christy Brinkley is giving Liz Taylor a run for her money by filing for divorce #4. I say that to say this - must not have been Billy Joel's doing when that marriage broke up. I'm feeling Billy since he was cool enough to use Ray Charles' first name as his daughter Alexa's middle name - can't hate on that. Guess Christy's giving that 'high maintenance' supermodel stereotype a pretty good workout....

And speaking of high maintenance, Naomi Campbell's still cracking heads and taking personal assistant names - and we thought a tour in Iraq was violent...



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