Monday, May 15, 2006

If You Don't Know, Now You Know...

Wassup, Y'all!

Sorry for the brief timeout but even ol Tyrone has to catch a little R&R *sometime*. The adjacent glossy is an actual location shot but it's up to you geographically inclined readers to match the glossy to the Caribbean locale. Anyway, after a quick jump down to the Carib, your boy is back in effect with something new to ponder. Before I hopped my cramped, kid screaming, commercial, economy class flight G4 down to the sun and sand, I had a chance to catch the flicks United 93 and Mission Impossible III and in both cases I left the theater trippin'...

United 93 (a docu-drama of the before, during and after of the only 9/11 hijacked airliner that didn't hit its target) had me reliving a 'Glory Moment' shortly after the beginning credits rolled. After all this time, it took this flick to get me to realize that there was a southside homeboy at the controls of the plane. I admit I'm a little slow on the uptake from time to time, but I do consider myself fairly newsworthy so I was wondering how it was that I completely missed that fact. That feeling was similar to how I felt when I checked out the back-in-the-day civil war movie 'Glory' about the Massachusetts 54th - the first southside regular Union Army regiment that garnered high praise for their sacrifice in what amounted to a suicide mission when it stormed Fort Wagner in South Carolina. In that case, I was pretty sure I was never taught that history lesson (versus catching 40 winks during the discussion in high school U.S. History class) so I was pretty shocked that 1) it ever happened and 2) it wasn't mainstream enough to mention.

Fast forward to May 2006 and I'm in the theater wondering who the southside homeboy dressed as a pilot is as he heads toward United flight 93. Turns out he was 1st Officer LeRoy Homer who happen to be flying right seat the day United 93 got hijacked and eventually crashed in rural Pennsylvania. His personal story is pretty impressive and I was wondering how it eluded the spotlight that shined so brightly on Todd 'Let's Roll' Beamer and his wife Lisa? since no one actually knows exactly what transpired on the flight. (Spoiler Alert On!) As portrayed in the movie, both he and the Captain of the flight went out very hard before the crash but whether it went down like that or not (some views say 'not') I still figure the brother deserved similar ink time as the other passengers. (Spoiler Alert Off!) A look back through the 'Net yields a few nuggets like the tight article by Sun Times columnist Mary Mitchell but little else - and I certainly didn't see his wife and little daughter in the balcony (like Lisa Beamer) when President Bush broke off his invitations to his follow up speech to Congress after the attacks. Hmmmm... Anyway, I gave the movie 2.5 Spinners and a 6 on the Homeboy Movie Viewing scale. It's deep - even more so when you realize it really happened.

As for MI: III - that joint was action eye candy galore. The action sequences were off the hook, the gadgets and 'cons' were tight, but it all felt like I'd seen it before. I'm a fan of director J. J. Abrams' TV stuff like Alias and Lost and MI: III felt pretty much like a big screen extension of those joints right down to the black screen, white character cut shots that inform the viewers where the action is about to take place - that's straight out of Alias (and that show got so tired going back to the same well that it's about to bow out for good). But any flick that props *both* Ving Rhames and Laurence Fishburne can't be all bad and MI: III isn't. I dropped the same 2.5 Spinners on that joint with a 8 on the HMV scale. Dang. They could have gotten 3 Spinners if they had figured out a way to get Halle Berry or Angelina Jolie in that joint... 'Course Tom Cruise seems to have his mind on other things these days y'all.



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