Tuesday, July 26, 2005

More Malone Musings...

Wassup, Y'all!

You know sometimes a bunch of random, disconnected thoughts just have to find their way to daylight (or moonlight as is my case with my late night postings...). Today is one of those days y'all so don't expect one of my normal, exceptionally tight, thoughtful, very witty and humble posts this go 'round. Today is definitely soup du jour. First, the appetizer - a glossy sent my way by my boy 'Tini Mack (also an underground news source). As you can see, Women's Pro Beach Volleyball maintains its ranking as the #1 male spectator sport (at least in the Malone Zone...) and the beauty of it is you can watch guilt free without fear of getting clocked by your girl since it's a legimate, sanctioned sport (girl on girl, rolling in the sand celebrations included). The brilliance of this idea just keeps growing everyday...

A body, a crime? I'll tread carefully here, y'all but I just have to weigh in on this Pamela Rogers Turner ruckus. As you know, old girl was caught having a three month sexual affair with a 13 year old student. Where was old girl when I was in junior high day dreaming of a hook up like this? I'm pretty sure this is the same chick who's trying to fight the charges by claiming temporary insanity rather than copping a plea. Seems she believes she's too pretty to go to jail (no lie!) and thinks that she'd be a marked woman on the inside. Hmmmm...seems to me being pretty wouldn't have anything to do with it. You know how jail house felons have that tripped out code of ethics when it comes to child molesters. I'd say that alone would be more than enough to guarantee a night time visit from Tossed Salad Man's sister...

Finally, don't look now y'all but J-Lo's *still* married! Hold up - is the earth still rotating?? I gave old girl a hard time in my Boomerang Chick post a while back - is it possible that old Tyrone will have to reevaluate? Is there some crow warming up in the microwave? Time will tell. All I know is that I damn sure lost the J-Lo/Marc Anthony Break Up pool! Anyway, I had to drop a superlative glossy of old girl in celebration of the fact that she decided to hook up Marshals Field's in Chicago and let them be the first U.S. based store to carry her J-Lo product line. So now somewhere between the Frango mints and the Godiva chocolate, I can pick my boo up a J-Lo Wild Rose Camisole with removable garter belt (or maybe just the outfit on the right...). That would truly be a gift for the both of us...

Okay, wooooo - glad to get that out of my system. I'll now return you to my regular programming already in progress....



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